Exp o rt Co n tro lle d – S e e P a g e 3
Rev D
Page 47 of 234
ARMOR X10gx Tablet Computer
There are a number of optional add-ons and accessories that extend the capabilities of the
X10gx or make it easier for you to use.
Op tio n a l Ad d -o n s a n d Ac c e s s o rie s fo r Yo u r
X10g x
We offer the Gobi 2000 WWAN radio. This wireless networking device communicates over cell
phone networks and can provide internet or company-specific coverage while on the road or in
areas that don’t provide Wi-Fi access. It can be used in the US or overseas. Adding WWAN
service to your imbedded Wi-Fi capability means you have 24/7 connection to the internet
virtually anywhere in the world.
Go b i® Wire le s s Wid e Are a Ne two rk (WWAN) Ra d io
The u-blox® GPS receiver is capable of downloading position data from the GPS or Galileo
satellite networks and enables you to pinpoint your position anywhere in the world within 2.0 –
2.5 meters.
u -b lo x® GP S S a te llite Re c e ive r
The ExpressCard slot included with your X10gx can be replaced at our factory with a Type I/II
PC/PCMCIA card slot. Please contact DRS Tactical Systems toll free at 1-888-872-1100 for
information about this conversion.
P C/P CMCIA Ca rd S u p p o rt
A reduced-size USB keyboard is available for use with
the ARMOR X10gx computer. The keyboard is
approximately half the size of a standard keyboard and
can be mounted on a special platform for use with a
vehicle docking station or connected to a desk docking
station to conserve space on a table or desktop.
Co m p a c t Ke yb o a rd
Ch a rg e r
Two -Ba y Exte rn a l Ba tte ry
A two-bay battery charger is available for faster and
more convenient battery charging. Each battery bay has
a charging time of approximately 2.5 hours. The
external charger is also handy for recharging spare
battery packs or batteries kept in storage.
Two types of external battery chargers are available
from DRS: a standard sequential charger and a SM-
BUS “smart” charger with a calibration (conditioning)