Exp o rt Co n tro lle d – S e e P a g e 3
Rev D
ARMOR X10gx Tablet Computer
Page 216 of 234
ARMOR X10gx Tablet Computer
Wh e n to Re p la c e a Ba tte ry
Battery life is affected by the age of the battery, its operating temperature history and the
number of deep discharge/recharge cycles that it goes through over time.
No m in a l Us a g e
Industry surveys report that “average daily use” (8 hours or less at nominal room temperature)
equates to approximately 300-400 full discharge/recharge cycles per year. Batteries operating
at this level of usage that are properly cared for can last as long as two years or even longer. Be
advised, however, that a battery that is more than 2 years old is likely to already be in need of
He a vy Us a g e
A battery that is in constant use (24/7), exposed frequently to temperature extremes such as in
a hot vehicle, or is subjected to frequent deep discharging will deteriorate more rapidly. Under
these operating conditions, DRS recommends a battery be replaced after 1 year to prevent a
possible sudden drop in performance.
De te rm in in g a Ba tte ry’s Ag e
To determine the age of the battery, check the lot number on the battery label (see figure
below). This number is the date (mm/yy) the battery was shipped from the manufacturer to
Figure 124. ARMOR X10gx Battery Label
Be fo re yo u Dis p o s e o f a Ba tte ry
If the battery is less than a year old or has less than 300 cycles, and you find that it consistently
fails to perform as it should, try conditioning the battery before you send it in for warranty
replacement or dispose of it. On rare occasions, an offset can build up between the true battery
charge and what the battery reports. This can lead to the battery’s being charged to a lower
level than what ARMORutils indicates.
To condition a battery, follow the procedure in
Battery Conditioning/Calibration