Dresser Model 10C25 Series K Installation, Operation, and Maintenance Manual
© 2018 Natural Gas Solutions North America, LLC
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Pulse Output Connections
This section provides information about connecting the pulse outputs with the meter and configuring
them with the Dresser MeterWare software.
Each Dresser 10C25 meter comes standard with two (2) flow frequency pulse outputs (Pulse Outputs 1
and 2) that represent volumetric information for remote data collection. Pulse Outputs 1 and 2 can be
configured for faults and alarm signals. Pulse Output 3 is reserved for fault and alarm signals only.
The pulse output cable plugs into the pulse output connector on the digital index (refer to Section 9).
This method requires connecting to the meter by using the IR (infrared) communication cable. The IrDA
cable refers to the IR dongle connected to the USB extension cable (refer to Appendix A).
Pulse Output Allocation Settings and Testing
In the Dresser MeterWare software, pulse output allocation is configured on the
Volume Configuration
screen (refer to Figure 30).
For more information about the settings on this screen, refer to the
Dresser MeterWare Software Manual
Some customers have their meter configured by the Factory. Verify your company
policy before making any configuration changes.
Figure 30: Pulse Output Allocation fields on the Volume Configuration screen