Dresser Model 10C25 Series K Installation, Operation, and Maintenance Manual
© 2018 Natural Gas Solutions North America, LLC
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Let the meter operate at low speed for several minutes. Listen closely for unusual scraping or
knocking sounds:
If unusual sounds are present, go to Step 6.
If the meter is operating normally, go to Step 7.
If unusual sounds are present or the Flow Indicator is not turning, place the meter in bypass. Slowly
depressurize and vent all pressure from the meter set before checking for piping misalignment, piping
strain, torsion, or other related problems. After the problem has been resolved, repeat the startup
procedure starting from Step 2.
Do not adjust or work on the meter before slowly depressurizing and venting all pressure from
the meter set in accordance with company procedures or industry guidelines.
When the meter is operating smoothly, slowly open the inlet valve until a full line flow is passing
through the meter and the inlet valve is fully open.
Slowly close the bypass valve.
After the meter is pressurized, follow your company’s authorized procedures or common industry
practices to leak test the meter and all pipe connections. Soapy water, Snoop®, or gas analyzers are
commonly used for this procedure. The meter also incorporates a leak test feature, as described in
Section 8.
Downstream Leak Tests
A leak test is commonly performed on a meter set after it is installed. The leak test feature on the 10C25
meter can detect a leak (or gas flow) at any point downstream of the meter cartridge.
The meter will not detect leaks that are flowing below the start rate of the meter. Flow
above one (1) cfh is measured at +90% accuracy.
Adhere to federal, state, company, and local codes and procedures, as applicable.
To perform a downstream leak test, use one of the following methods:
Flow Indicator Method
Electronic Method using the magnetic interface
Electronic Method using the Dresser MeterWare software interface