DWS-1008 User’s Manual
D-Link Systems, Inc.
Appendix D - Glossary
Vendor-specific attribute. A type of RADIUS attribute that enables a vendor to extend
RADIUS operations to fit its own products, without conflicting with existing RADIUS attributes
or the VSAs of other companies. Companies can create new authentication and accounting
attributes as VSAs.
watch list
A RingMaster method for monitoring user location and activity. After initially finding a
user through RingMaster, you can add the user to the watch list for continued monitoring.
RingMaster tracks and displays such information as the DWL-8220AP access point(s) that
a user is associated with during a session, the server that authenticated the user, and the
session start and stop times.
Web View
A Web-based application for configuring and managing a single DWS-1008 switch and its
attached DWL-8220AP access points through a Web browser. Web View uses a secure
connection that implements Hypertext Transfer Protocol over Secure Sockets Layer
Wireless Ethernet Compatibility Alliance. See
Wi-Fi Alliance
Wired-Equivalent Privacy protocol. A security protocol, specified in the IEEE 802.11 standard,
that attempts to provide a wireless LAN (WLAN) with a minimal level of security and privacy
comparable to a typical wired LAN. WEP encrypts data transmitted over the WLAN to protect
the vulnerable wireless connection between users (clients) and access points (APs). Although
appropriate for most home use, WEP is weak and fundamentally flawed for enterprise use.
Wi-Fi Alliance
An organization formed by leading wireless equipment and software providers, for certifying
all IEEE 802.11 wireless LAN (WLAN) products for interoperability and promoting the term
as their global brand name. Only products that pass WiFi Alliance testing can be certified.
Certified products are required to carry an identifying seal on their packaging stating that the
product is Wi-Fi certified
and indicating the radio frequency band used (2.4 GHz for 802.11b
and 5 GHz for 802.11a, for example). The WiFi Alliance was formerly known as the
Ethernet Compatibility Alliance (WECA)
Wi-Fi Protected Access