Marketing tools
Use Marketing tools to store information about your prospects and borrowers, customize
marketing documents, and produce custom documents that assist your prospects and
borrowers in making mortgage decisions.
Standard marketing documents
The Marketing documents feature operates similarly to the Reports feature. Use the
predefined templates that are included in Point to send form letters and e-mails and print
Marketing templates
The following predefined marketing documents are available in Point:
In this topic
• Standard marketing documents
• Custom forms
• Documenting borrower and prospect personal
• Client communication
• Amortization schedules
• Cash-to-close statements
• Consolidating consumer debt
• Comparing loans
• Comparing renting to owning
• Prequalification
Address Labels (Property
Generate address labels for the property address.
ARM Refinance Notification
Generates an e-mail to inform a homeowner that new loan
programs are available that can save them money.
ARM Refinance Notification
Generates a letter to inform a homeowner that new loan
programs are available that can save them money.
Borrower Address Labels
(Mailing Address)
Generates address labels for the borrower’s mailing
Co-Borrower Address Labels
(Mailing Address)
Generates address labels for the co-borrower’s mailing
Contact Information Update
Generates a letter requesting current contact information.
Post Closing Letter
Generates a follow-up letter to send after a loan is closed.
Generates either a letter to thank the borrower or a letter
to request referrals.