AWS Storage Gateway User Guide
Example Signature Calculation
hash is a function that returns a unique hash value based on the input. The input to the hash function
includes the text of your request and your secret access key. The hash function returns a hash value that
you include in the request as your signature. The signature is part of the
header of your
After receiving your request, AWS Storage Gateway recalculates the signature using the same hash
function and input that you used to sign the request. If the resulting signature matches the signature in
the request, AWS Storage Gateway processes the request. Otherwise, the request is rejected.
AWS Storage Gateway supports authentication using
. The process for
calculating a signature can be broken into three tasks:
Task 1: Create a Canonical Request
Rearrange your HTTP request into a canonical format. Using a canonical form is necessary because
AWS Storage Gateway uses the same canonical form when it recalculates a signature to compare with
the one you sent.
Task 2: Create a String to Sign
Create a string that you will use as one of the input values to your cryptographic hash function. The
string, called the
string to sign
, is a concatenation of the name of the hash algorithm, the request date,
credential scope
string, and the canonicalized request from the previous task. The
credential scope
string itself is a concatenation of date, region, and service information.
Create a signature for your request by using a cryptographic hash function that accepts two input
strings: your
string to sign
and a
derived key
. The
derived key
is calculated by starting with your
secret access key and using the
credential scope
string to create a series of Hash-based Message
Authentication Codes (HMACs).
Example Signature Calculation
The following example walks you through the details of creating a signature for
example could be used as a reference to check your signature calculation method. Other reference
calculations are included in the
Signature Version 4 Test Suite
of the Amazon Web Services Glossary.
The example assumes the following:
• The time stamp of the request is "Mon, 10 Sep 2012 00:00:00" GMT.
• The endpoint is the US East (Ohio) region.
The general request syntax (including the JSON body) is:
x-amz-Date: 20120910T000000Z
Content-type: application/x-amz-json-1.1
x-amz-target: StorageGateway_20120630.ListGateways
The canonical form of the request calculated for
Task 1: Create a Canonical Request (p. 401)
API Version 2013-06-30