Step 3. Edit An Input Statement’s Properties,
Input Opcodes and
Table 10-1 lists the opcodes and their qualifiers and explains their use.
Continued on next page
Table 10-1. Input Opcodes and Qualifiers
Point Status
- Allows the
status of a
specific point
to be tested
for a specific
Fire Detect
When the referenced point (for example a smoke, flame, heat detector) enters
an alarm condition, the input condition is TRUE for approximately ½ second.
Any NACs triggered on the output side of the equation sound until signal
silence. Should another detector then sound, it would trigger its NACs,
allowing the fire condition to be tracked from one area to another. This
functionality is known as "resound." Refer to the ANY opcode later in this table
for information on using Fire Detect with lists.
When the referenced point (either a pull station or detector type device) enters
an alarm condition, the input condition is TRUE until a System Reset is
Fire Ack
When the referenced point enters an alarm condition, the input condition is
TRUE until the alarm is acknowledged.
When the referenced point enters a trouble condition, the input condition is
TRUE until the trouble condition is acknowledged.
When the referenced point enters a supervisory condition, the input condition is
TRUE until the problem condition is fixed. For example, turning a sprinkler
system OS&Y valve changes the state of the contacts being monitored and
triggers a Supervisory condition. Although this condition can be
acknowledged, the supervisory condition cannot be cleared until the OS&Y is
restored to its original position.
When the referenced point enters a supervisory condition, the input condition is
TRUE until the supervisory condition is acknowledged. One way this qualifier
might be used would be to sound a bell in a control room when a point (a list
containing all waterflow points for example) enters a supervisory condition. In
this case, the bell would connect to a relay that would be referenced on the
output side of the equation, and the input side of the equation would monitor
the list with the Supervisory ACK qualifier. The output (bell) would turn off only
when the supervisory condition is acknowledged.
Trouble Ack
When the referenced point enters a trouble condition, the input condition is
TRUE until the trouble condition is acknowledged. Typically used in a similar
way to the Supervisory ACK qualifier.
The input condition is TRUE when the physical state of the referenced point is