Overview - Components of a CC Equation
Up to 60 Custom Control equations can be programmed for the AUTOPULSE Z-28. Each
equation consists of two sides: an INPUT SIDE, containing one or more Input Statements, and
an OUTPUT SIDE, containing one or more Output Statements. The total number of
statements, both input and output, must be 6 or less.
An equation can be better understood as an "IF/THEN" command. "IF" the INPUT SIDE is
true, "THEN" execute the OUTPUT SIDE.
Figure 10-3. Example Equation
Input Statements
Input Statements can do either of the following:
Monitor the status of a point, set of points, or list.
Perform a function, such as Delay, Cycle, Compare two values, or Save/Recall values.
Multiple input statements, located within the same equation, must be separated by a logical
operator (AND or OR). These operators function as follows:
AND Operator. Use the AND logical operator to link the current input statement in
series with all previous input statements in an equation. In the example below, IF the
condition of M1-1 is Fire AND the condition of M1-2 is Fire, then the INPUT SIDE is true
and the Output statements (not shown) execute. If, however, only M1-1 or M1-2 (not
both) is in a Fire state, the INPUT side is not true and the output statements do not
Figure 10-4. The AND Operator
Continued on next page
Input Statement
Input Statement
End of Inputs
Output Statement
Output Statement
End of Outputs