Addresses for Hardware Points,
RS-232\Modem Card
Either an RS-232 Card or Modem Card may be added to the AUTOPULSE Z-28 system. Even
though these cards are optional, if an RS-232 or Modem card is configured, it must reside at
card address 4. There are two hardware points associated with them. Both of the RS-232/
Modem points are user configurable. However, the points have no labels associated with them,
because they cannot be viewed on the front panel. The following table is a list of the points on
the RS-232/Modem cards.
The AUTOPULSE Z-28 can have up to six annunciator cards added to the system. One of
these cards is the 24 I/O card. The 24 I/O card can reside at addresses 9 through 14.
24 Point I/O Card
Each 24 I/O card has 24 hardware points associated with it. The user can program all hardware
points on the 24 I/O card. The functionality of the point depends on the device type (Input or
Output), the point type, and modes programmed against it. The labels for the points on the
24 I/O card are default labels, and cannot be changed by the user. The following table
describes the organization of points on the 24 I/O card. In this table, card represents the card
address (9-14) of the 24 I/O card.
LCD Card
The AUTOPULSE Z-28 can have up to six annunciator cards added to the system. One of
these cards is the LCD card. The LCD card can reside at addresses 9 through 14. The LCD
card has five hardware points associated with it. Only the first three hardware points (user
LEDs) on the LCD card can be programmed by the user. The labels for the points on the LCD
card are default labels, and cannot be changed by the user. The following table describes the
Table A-7. RS232\Modem Card Points
Port A point. Default to unsupervised 80 character Printer
Port B point. Default to command line port.
Table A-8. 24-Point I/O Card Points
I/O Card
#, Point 1
The 1st point on the 24 I/O card.
I/O Card
#, Point 2
The 2nd point on the 24 I/O card.
I/O Card
#, Point 3
The 3rd point on the 24 I/O card.
I/O Card
#, Point 23
The 23rd point on the 24 I/O card.
I/O Card
#, Point 24
The 24th point on the 24 I/O card.