IM 701310-01E
Storage Medium and Directory
Storage media in which saving and loading are possible are displayed in the File List
dialog box.
Display Examples of Storage Media
Same as the explanation given in “Display Examples of Storage Media” of section
Renaming a Storage Medium Directory or File
The number of characters that can be used for a file or directory name is up to 64
characters from the beginning of the entered characters. However, the following
conditions apply.
• The types of characters that can be used are 0 to 9, A to Z, a to z, _, -, =, (, ), {, }, [, ], #,
$, %, &, ~, !, ’, and @ on the keyboard that appears on screen.
Multiple @ characters cannot be entered consecutively.
• The following character strings cannot be used due to the limitation of MS-DOS.
LPT9, COM1, COM2, COM3, COM4, COM5, COM6, COM7, COM8, and COM9
• Make sure that the full path name (absolute path name from the root directory) is
within 260 characters. If 260 characters is exceeded, an error occurs when you
execute a file operation (save, copy, rename, create directory, etc.).
Full path name: If you are operating a directory, specify up to the directory name.
If you are operating a file, specify up to the file name.
• The length of the character string displayed in the entry box of the keyboard that is
shown on the screen is 36.
Creating a Directory
You can create a new directory on the storage medium. See above for the assignment of
the directory name when creating a new directory.
Specifying the Files to Be Displayed in the File List Dialog Box
See the explanation “Specifying the Files to Be Displayed in the File List Dialog Box” in
section 13.4.
• You cannot change a directory attribute.
• If a file with the same name already exists in the same directory, the file cannot be renamed.
• If a directory with the same name already exists in the same directory, the directory cannot
be created.
• This unit can recognize a maximum of 26 media.
13.12 Changing the Directory Name or File Name of the Storage Medium/Creating Directories