IM 701310-01E
5.8 Setting Time Axis (T/div)
Turn the
T/DIV knob
to set the T/div value.
• If the T/DIV knob is turned while acquisition is stopped, the new T/div value appears in the
upper center of the screen and takes effect when acquisition is restarted.
• See Appendix 1, “Relationships between the Time Setting, Sample Rate, and Record
Length” for the relationship between T/div and the sample rate.
You can set the value in terms of the time per division of the screen grid.
Selectable T/div Range
500 ps/div to 50 s/div
T/div and Roll Mode
Roll mode is used if T/div is set to a value between 100 ms/div and 50 s/div under the
following conditions:
• Acquisition mode is set to a mode other than averaging.
• Trigger mode is set to auto, auto level, or single.