IM 701310-01E
Event Reference Time
The selectable range is 1.5 ns to 10.00 s in 0.5-ns steps.
The trigger may not operate properly if the spacing between signals or the signal pulse width
is less than 2 ns. The time span accuracy is �(0.2% of set value + 1 ns) in standard operating
conditions after calibration. The set value is equal to the T2 value when the pulse width is
greater than T1 and less than T2.
Event Type
Set a trigger excluding the Edge OR trigger, TV trigger, and UART trigger as an event.
For details, see the respective section on each trigger.
Event Source
Set a trigger excluding the Edge OR trigger, TV trigger, and UART trigger as an event
source. For details, see the respective section on each trigger.
6.20 Activating a Trigger on an Event Cycle, Delay, or Sequence