IM AQ6376-01EN
You can save measured waveform data as a single file in internal memory or USB
storage media, or load previously saved data into traces A through G for display.
Files are saved under the extension CSV.
File Name
File names can be assigned automatically, or arbitrarily by the user. If a file name is
not set, it is saved automatically under the following name. For the auto file name, see
section 7.3.
File Name: AXXXX.CSV
XXXX is a serial number from 0000 to 9999 or saved date and time.
File names can only contain the same characters that are allowed for MS-DOS file names. File
names can contain up to 56 characters (including the extension). The supported characters are
as follows.
!#$%&’ ()-
File Size
The maximum file size differs depending on the data being saved. Make sure the save
destination has sufficient space before saving.
Sorting files
The file list can be sorted in ascending order by FILE NAME, FILE DAT, or FILE LABEL.
7.4 Saving/Loading Displayed Data(All Trace)