13 Troubleshooting
13.3.2 Motion Error Details and Corrections
(18) Monitoring Status (IW
The status of the SERVOPACK can be monitored in the bits of monitoring parameter IW
Bit No.
Bit 0
Alarm (ALARM)
OFF: No alarm occurred.
ON: Alarm occurred.
Bit 1
Warning (WARNG)
OFF: No warning occurred.
ON: Warning occurred.
Bit 2
Command Ready (CMDRDY)
OFF: Command cannot be received.
ON: Command can be received.
Bit 3
Servo ON (SVON)
OFF: Servo OFF.
ON: Servo ON.
Bit 4
Main Power ON (PON)
OFF: Main power OFF.
ON: Main power ON.
Bit 5
Machine Lock (MLOCK)
OFF: Machine lock mode released.
ON: Machine lock mode.
Bit 6
Zero Point Position (ZPOINT)
OFF: Not in Zero Point Position Range
ON: In Zero Point Position Range
Bit 7
Positioning Completed (PSET)
OFF: Pulse distribution not completed or not in Positioning Completed
ON: Pulse distribution completed and in Positioning Completed Width.
Bit 8
Distribution Completed (DEN)
OFF: Distributing positioning pulses.
ON: Pulse distribution completed for positioning.
Bit 9
Torque Being Limited (T_LIM)
OFF: Torque not being limited.
ON: Torque being limited.
Bit A
Latch Completed (L_CMP)
OFF: Latch not completed.
ON: Latch completed.
Bit B
Position Proximity (NEAR)
OFF: APOS is outside Position Proximity Range.
ON: APOS is inside Position Proximity Range.
Bit C
Positive Soft Limit (P-SOT)
OFF: Not in Positive Soft Limit Range.
ON: In Positive Soft Limit Range.
Bit D
Negative Soft Limit (N-SOT)
OFF: Not in Negative Soft Limit Range.
ON: In Negative Soft Limit Range.
Bit E
Bit F