7 Motion Parameters
7.2.3 Motion Monitoring Parameter Details
(9) Position Management Status
Position Management Status
Bit 0
Distribution Completed (DEN)
This bit turns ON when pulse distribution has been completed for a move command.
This bit turns ON when the SERVOPACK parameter Distribution Completed
(monitoring parameter IB
2C8) turns ON and the SVB-01 Module’s internal distri-
bution processing is completed.
OFF: Distributing pulses
ON: Distribution completed
Bit 1
Positioning Completed (POSCOMP)
This bit turns ON when pulse distribution has been completed and the current position
is within the Positioning Completed Width (i.e., after SERVOPACK Positioning Com-
pleted (IB
2C7) turns ON).
OFF: Outside Positioning Completed Width
ON: In Positioning Completed Width
Bit 2
Latch Completed (LCOMP)
This bit turns OFF when a new latch command is executed and turns ON when the
latch has been completed. The latched position is stored as the Machine Coordinate
Latch Position (monitoring parameter IL
OFF: Latch not completed
ON: Latch completed
Bit 3
Position Proximity (NEAR)
The operation of this bit depends on the setting of the Positioning Completed Width 2
(setting parameter OL
• OL
20 = 0: This bit turns ON when pulse distribution has been completed
(monitoring parameter IB
• OL
0: This bit turns ON when the result of subtracting the Machine Coor-
dinate Feedback Position (IL
16) from the Machine Coordinate System Position
12) is less than the Position Completed Width 2, even if pulse distribution
has not been completed.
OFF: Outside position proximity range
ON: In position proximity range
Bit 4
Zero Point Position (ZERO)
This bit turns ON when the Machine Coordinate System Position (monitoring
parameter IL
12) is within the Home Window (setting parameter OW
3D) after
a zero point return (setting) has been completed.
OFF: Outside zero point position range
ON: In zero point position range
Bit 5
Zero Point Return (Setting) Completed (ZRNC)
This bit turns ON when a zero point return (setting) has been completed. This bit turns
OFF when a new zero point return (setting) operation is started, when communication
with the SERVOPACK stop, or when a Servo alarm related to the encoder occurs.
OFF: Zero point return (setting) not completed
ON: Zero point return (setting) completed