or into separate small boxes. Label
the set so you will know what cylinder
it came from and whether it is an in
take or an exhaust valve. This keeps
parts from getting mixed up and
makes installation simpler. Do not
mix components from different valve
assemblies or excessive wear may
13. Repeat Steps 3-12 for the remaining valve as-
sembly. Keep the parts from each valve assembly
Valve Installation
1. Clean the end of the valve guide.
2. Install the spring seat (
Figure 81
) and seat it in
the cylinder head.
3. Apply molybdenum disulfide oil to a new oil
seal and install the seal over the end of the valve
guide (
Figure 80
). Push the seal straight down onto
the valve guide until the seal bottoms.
4. Apply molybdenum disulfide oil to the valve
stem. Install the valve partway into the guide (
ure 82
). Slowly turn the valve as it enters the oil
seal, and continue turning the valve until it is com-
pletely installed.
5. Install the valve spring (
Figure 79
) so the end
with the closer wound coils faces in toward the
combustion chamber.
6. Seat the spring retainer (
Figure 78
) on top of the
7. Insert a bore protector between the valve assem-
bly and the bore.
8. Install a valve spring compressor squarely over
the valve retainer. Make sure the opposite end of the
compressor sits against the valve head (
Figure 75