• Ensure that the media used is approved, within press specifications and is clean.
• Check that the press is within environmental specifications and humidity levels.
• Load a new ream of paper or different type of media.
• Run the
Clean Toner
procedure. For instructions, refer to the the
System Administrator Guide
Common Service Settings
• Check for Drum failure or damage. Acquire your measuring tool from either
or the
Nationalization Kit
Check the frequency of the spot intervals. If spots occur every 147 mm on the prints,
determine which color drum is affected.
To determine which color drum is affected, go to
, to
download, and then print the
Halftone Test Pattern
• To replace or swap the drum; refer to
RReeppeeaattiinngg D
Deeffeeccttss aatt RReegguullaarr IInntteerrvvaallss oonn PPrriinnttss
The prints show any defect type that repeats at intervals that can be measured.