• Does the booklet contain full-page images?
• Are you using preprinted covers with full-page images?
• Are you trimming the booklet?
Considerations for Obtaining Desired Booklet Output
Follow these tips to ensure you get your desired output:
• Always run one or more test prints of your job before running a larger output quantity.
• Review your test prints for truncated images/text.
• If any images or text need shifting, use the various selections from the print driver for your
application. Refer to the Help information for your print driver.
It may take one or more test prints before you achieve your desired output.
TTrroouubblleesshhoooottiinngg H
LLooccaattiinngg tthhee PPrreessss SSeerriiaall N
The press serial number can be accessed from the User Interface (UI) or from the serial number plate
which is located on the inside frame of Tray 1.
1. Press the
Machine Status
button on the UI.
2. From the
Machine Status
screen, ensure that the
Device Information
tab is displayed.
The press serial number is displayed under
Device Serial Number
near the bottom of the screen.
3. If there is a loss of power and it is not possible to access the
Machine Status
screen, the press
serial number can also be found on the inside frame of the press near the Paper Tray 1 drawer:
At the press, fully open Tray 1.
At the left of the tray, on the press frame, locate the plate with the serial number (
Caalllliinngg ffoorr SSeerrvviiccee
1. Record any displayed fault codes.
2. Record the press serial number.