2-Sided Copying
The 2-Sided Copying option may be accessed either from the main Copy screen or from
the Output Format tab.
Make one or two-sided copies from one or two-sided originals using the document feeder or the
document glass. The two-sided option enables you to select your output in book or calendar
orientation. Options include:
1-1 Sided
Use this option if your originals are printed on one side and you want single-sided copies.
1-2 Sided
Use this option if your originals are printed on one side and you want two-sided copies.
2-2 Sided
Use this option if you want to make two sided copies from two-sided originals.
2-1 Sided
This option will make one-sided copies from two-sided originals.
Originals and Copies
Select the orientation of both your original documents and the output copies. Options include
Head to Head
Head to Toe
Head to Head
This option is sometimes called Top-to-Top. For your original documents, select this option when all
the pages of your original documents have the same orientation. For copy output, select this
option to copy or print the reverse side of a page so that the finished document opens like a book.
Head to Toe
This option is sometimes called Top-to-Bottom. For your original documents, select this option
when the pages of your original documents have the opposite orientation such as on a calendar.
For copy output, select this option to copy or print the reverse side of a page so that the finished
document opens like a calendar.
Original Orientation
Upright Images
Select this option when placing the top edge of the document against the top side of the
document glass or document feeder.
Sideways Images
Select this option when placing the top edge of the document against the left side of the
document glass or document feeder.
Original Type
The Original Type option may be accessed from the main Copy screen or from the Image
Quality tab.