Additional HCS Troubleshooting Information
Hints and Tips for Using the High Capacity Stacker (HCS)
Refer to the following hints and tips when using the HCS:
1. Check the paper in the applicable HCS tray for curl.
If no curl is present and if the output is acceptable and meets customer satisfaction, you are
If no curl is present and if the output is not acceptable, call for service.
If curl is present, continue to the next step.
2. To correct the paper curl, use the paper curl correction controls on the top of the Interface
Decurler Module (IDM).
3. If the output has not improved, adjust the paper curl again.
4. If the output still has not improved, call the Customer Support Center.
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woo--SSiiddeedd TTrriim
meerr TTrroouubblleesshhoooottiinngg
Crease and Two-Sided Trimmer Paper Jams