Buussiinneessss RReeaaddyy ((B
BRR)) FFiinniisshheerr aanndd O
Oppttiioonnaall B
Booookklleett M
The BR Finisher, with or without the Booklet Maker, attaches directly to the press and does
not require an Interface Decurler Module or an Interface Decurler Module with Inline
The Business Ready (BR) Finisher adds several professional-level finishing options to the press while
requiring minimal additional space for the finisher. The finisher is available with or without an
optional booklet maker.
Business Ready (BR) Finisher without Booklet Maker
The BR Finisher supports hole punching and stapling. The Right Top Tray is used for stacked output
and can receive up to 500 sheets of paper. The Stacker is used for offset and stapled output and
can hold up to 3,000 sheets.
Business Ready (BR) Finisher with the optional Booklet Maker
The BR Finisher with the optional Booklet Maker supports hole punching, stapling, and booklet
making. The Right Top Tray is used for stacked output and can receive up to 500 sheets of paper.
The Right Center Tray is used for offset and stapled output and can hold up to 1,500 sheets. Both
trays can be used for hole punched output (optional). The Bottom Finisher Tray is used for
receiving saddle-stapled booklets.