• From a cold start (power on or power saver), system takes less than 5 minutes to start printing.
• From standby mode, system usually takes less than 1 minute to start printing.
PPrriinntt O
Ouuttppuutt C
Coonnttaaiinnss C
Coorrrruupptteedd TTeexxtt
The printed output contains corrupted text, or the text prints incorrectly.
Check the application or print driver settings on whether non-standard fonts are used for printing.
TTrraayyss D
Doo N
Noott RReeccooggnniizzee tthhee M
Trays do not recognize the media.
• At the user interface (UI), check the paper settings for the tray. To check the paper settings for a
tray, select
Machine Status
Device Information
Paper Tray Status
• Check the print server settings.
• Check that the paper is loaded correctly in either the short-edge-feed (SEF) or long-edge-feed
(LEF) direction, and at the print server, ensure that the settings match the programmed paper
PPrriinnttss A
Arree N
Noott oonn tthhee D
Deessiirreedd PPaappeerr SSiizzee
Prints are not on desired paper size.
• Ensure that the correct paper size and type is loaded in the paper trays.
• Set the paper guides to the correct positions.
• At the print server, select the paper size, tray and weight, and from the
Tray Properties
ensure the paper attributes match.
• From the print driver, ensure the
Fit to Paper
or an equivalent selection is not selected.