betters traditional quality while saving time and increasing productivity by eliminating the labor-
intensive steps of manual punching. The compact AdvancedPunch
Pro takes minimal space and
accepts a variety of optional multiple hole punch die sets.
The AdvancedPunch
Pro can be connected to a variety of optional finishing devices and sits inline
with these devices.
This optional finishing device requires an Interface Decurler Module.
The AdvancedPunch
Pro provides the following capabilities:
• A bigger range of media sizes and types
• Trail edge, LEF and SEF punching
• Die set detection control panel shows die type and cycle count
• User Die set options include comb, wire, coil, and 3-7 hole varieties to enable most popular
binding formats
• Operates at rated print engine speed for most paper sizes
• Quick-change die sets that can be interchanged without any tools
• All die sets include an Identification Label providing the user with the hole pattern and name
• Convenient storage area for two extra Die Sets which is located above the sheet bypass on the
For detailed information and instructions to use the AdvancedPunch
Pro, refer to the press
or go to
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This optional finishing device requires the Interface Decurler Module.
The High Capacity Stacker (HCS) is an optional finishing device that provides large-capacity stacking
and offsetting capabilities for production output to a stacker tray and cart. The HCS also provides a
top tray convenient for short stack runs.