UD100 User Guide Document: UD100-3
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Usually, one 4k signal source can be applied for up to 20 meters screen through two UD104 & 6-8
projectors. If bigger screen is required, user can apply one 8K/2K or multiple signal sources through
multiple synchronized media player or multiple output display card to achieve higher system resolution.
10.2. Content overlap setting issue
If multiple 4k/60 signal sources are required to get good enough video resolution. Below are some
important points:
User needs to split the content into different sections and each section is played back by one PC
or media player.
These PC or media players need to be synchronized.
GeoBox can crop the right overlap pixel inside one content for each projector but not for the pixel
between two independent contents.
The Overlap content between two independent signal sources shall be handled through below
To set Overlap image through PC display card. In this case, the overlap cropping issue will
be handled by PC. Only high-end display card can implement this function.
To cut the content with redundant data in overlap section for edge blending. The pixel size
shall be larger than Overlap region and GeoBox can crop the right pixel for edge blending.
User can use synchronized media player (such as BrightSign) or low-cost multiple output
display card from PC.
PC display card should be able to set overlap pixel up to 25% of the output resolution
among the outputs. User can use similar function cards such as Matrox TripleHead 2 Go,
ATI Display Group, NVidia SLI Surround or NVidia Mosaic mode.