Operation: 1300 1400 Series
Series: VI 300, VI 344.
1400 Series:
VI 422, V1444, VPS328, VI 466)
Note: This chapter is nof applicable for standalone or AURORA/VCR ONLY sysfems.
To access the control screen:
1 .
Press and hold the Shift
2 .
Then press Fl. The 1300 Series control screen will display if a 1300 Series control system is currently
selected. Otherwise the 1400 Series control screen will display until you select a 1300 Series system.
You will typically perform operations in this order when you enter this screen:
1 .
Select the system (in multi-system installations).
2. Select the monitor.
3. Select the camera.
4 .
Then proceed with any operation in this chapter.
(1300 Series control screen)
<System Camera Monitor
T o u r )
A l a r m )
(1400 Series control screen)
If you are using more than one control system, the Multi-System Selector
will be part of your
CCTV site and a System soft key label will display on your system console. The system number is defined by
the connection to the
Multi-System Selector “station” connectors. Although any system console
can send commands to the control system, only the master console (the system console with its Control Out
D-shell connector connected to the
can switch from one control system to another. Any
keypads daisy-chained off of the master console will also switch to the control system selected by the master.
To select a control system from the system console:
Enter the number of the system.
2 .
Then press the System soft key.
Operation: 1300 1400 Series
X923 Rev 1099 System Console