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Revision 00
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48 UBS to Controller Firmware
This option will begin the Firmware file transfer from the source device attached
to the controller USB port. Controller to USB Memory Contents
This option will begin the file transfer of the firmware executable files,
Configuration File, and NV Data File from the memory of the Controller to the
attached USB Device. Delete Nonvolatile Data File And Reboot
The Delete Nonvolatile Data File option will delete the nonvolatile (NV) data file from
the memory. The controller will reboot after completing deleting the NV data file from
memory. Other Options
Return to Power Up Mode
– Returns the Controller to Power Up Mode.
Reboot –
Reboots the Controller.
Reboot to OS –
Reboots the Controller to the Operating System.
Disable/Enable OS
Access –
Permits Access to the Operating System Task Bar.
Calibrate Touch Screen
– Allows the User to Calibrate the Touch Screen.