Chapter - 3
Revision 00
© Versum Materials, Inc. as of the revision and date shown. All rights reserved.
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This exhaust system must be independent of
any general plant exhaust system and must
be designed for the types of gases being used.
Ensure only compatible gases are fed into
each exhaust system. Be certain the exhaust
system power and shut down interlocks
comply with all applicable local, state, and
federal codes (i.e., UFC and NFPA code in
U.S.) Requirements.
The tables below list the exhaust requirement for the GASGUARD VMB enclosure
to meet IFC and NFPA code requirements.
The tables below list the exhaust requirement for the Gasguard enclosures to meet
the above code requirements.
Silane Exhaust rates apply to Gasguard Source System supplied VMBs only.
VMBs supplied by a bulk source must have a 0.040 inch or smaller orifice installed
in the inlet connection in order to use these rates.