Chapter -
Revision 00
© Versum Materials, Inc. as of the revision and date shown. All rights reserved.
Confidential and Proprietary Data
The Enable/Disable option will allow the operator to change the Network Control state
to either Enable or Disable.
RS-485 Channel Number
The RS-485 change channel option will allow the operator to change the left and right
RS-485 channel numbers. The numbers may be changed within the range of 0 to 63.
Changes to the channel number will be written to the NV data file.
Ethernet Channel Number
The Ethernet change channel option will allow the operator to change the left and right
channel numbers. The numbers may be changed within the range of 0 to 63. Changes
to the channel number will be written to the NV data file.
Network Comm. Type
The network comm. type can be set to either RS-485 or Ethernet. IP Settings
The IP settings option allows the user to modify the IP address, subnet mask, and default
gateway. Peer-to-Peer IP Settings
The Peer-to-Peer IP Settings option displays the controller number, controller name,
controller IP address, controller port, and controller comm. information for different
controllers on the network. It also displays the peer-to-peer communication status as well