Revision 00
© Versum Materials, Inc. as of the revision and date shown. All rights reserved.
Confidential and Proprietary Data
Section 5: Helium Leak Testing
All personnel
be trained in helium leak detector operations. Consult your
leak detector manufacturer for leak detector operations training.
The customer is responsible for ensuring that all field piping to the GASGUARD
Distribution System be completely leak tight. Leak testing should be performed in
accordance with the current industry standard, SEMI (Semiconductor Equipment
and Materials International) #F1-90, Specification for Leak Integrity of Toxic Gas
Piping Systems and all applicable codes. A suitable helium leak detector is
required to attain the level of sensitivity required by the above standard.
There are several methods of helium leak testing. The two most often used are:
Inboard - The component being tested is evacuated to a negative
pressure and sprayed externally with helium.
Outboard - The component is pressurized with helium and sniffed
externally with the detector.
NOTE: It is recommended that the internal GASGUARD
Distribution System tubing, which was helium leak tested at the
factory, be rechecked at this time to ensure no leaks have
developed during installation or shipment. Consult Versum
Materials, Inc. for proper helium leak detection procedures.
In order to adequately leak test the GASGUARD Distribution System internal and
external piping, the pneumatic emergency shutoff and auto-crossover valves