Chapter - 1
Revision 00
© Versum Materials, Inc. as of the revision and date shown. All rights reserved.
Confidential and Proprietary Data
equipment to ensure that no one is exposed.
After all tools have been removed from the machine or equipment, guards have
been reinstalled and employees are in the clear, remove all lockout or tagout
devices. Operate the energy isolating devices to restore energy to the machine
or equipment.
Procedure Involving More Than One Person
In the preceding steps, if more than one individual is required to lockout or tagout
equipment, each shall place his/her own personal lockout device on the energy
isolating devices(s). When an energy isolating device cannot accept multiple locks
or tags, a multiple lockout or tagout device (HASP) may be used. If lockout is
used, a single lock may be used to lockout the machine or equipment with the key
being placed in a lockout box or cabinet which allows the use of multiple locks to
secure it. Each employee will then use his/her own lock to secure the box or
cabinet. As each person no longer needs to maintain his/her lockout protection,
that person will remove his/her lock from the box or cabinet (Name(s)/Job title(s)
of employees authorized for group lockout or tagout).