Appendix -
Revision 0
© Versum Materials, Inc. as of the revision and date shown. All rights reserved.
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Page APP
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) photographs of finished component surfaces shall be
analyzed for each machining, honing, polishing, or electropolishing process change or
supply of material other than stainless steel. SEM analysis shall verify that no more than
40 defects shall be distinguishable in a 3600X field of view. A sample shall be taken from
the middle of the tube or fitting. The test method shall conform to SEMATECH standard
Chemistry analysis (ESCA) of electropolished surfaces shall be performed for each
electropolishing process change to verify surface elemental composition. Elemental
composition shall be expressed in atomic percent units and shall verify chromium to iron
ratio of 1.5:1 and a minimum chromium oxide to iron oxide ratio of 3:1 for stainless steel.
Moisture testing shall be performed on one length of cleaned and packaged tube from
each heat for each size (O.D. and nominal wall thickness). Testing shall verify the addition
of less than 1 ppm moisture to nitrogen gas as described in Section 8.1 of this specification
while flowing N2 gas at a flow not to exceed 10ÿSCFH/IN2.
Particle testing shall be performed on one length of cleaned and packaged tube from each
size (O.D. and nominal wall thickness). Testing shall verify that particle counts be no more
than 10 per cubic foot of size greater than or equal to 0.1 microns and zero particles of size
0.3 microns or larger while flowing nitrogen gas at a velocity of 133 ft/sec.
A weld test shall be performed for each heat and lot number of material that is used. Weld
tests on fittings can be avoided by completing this requirement on the tube that will be
used to make the fitting. The test welds shall be made per Semiconductor Equipment
Manufacturer Center specification, QAF020. Weld test shall be deemed acceptable if no
internal discoloration of the weld is visible. Samples can be developed between VERSUM
MATERIALS, INC. and the tube vendor to judge acceptable welds.
A Rockwell hardness test shall be performed on each mill heat of material to assure a
Rockwell Rb 90 maximum hardness. This test shall be performed for each size after
VERSUM MATERIALS, INC. reserves the right to source inspect all tubing and fittings and
inspect the manufacturers facilities upon request.
Reports and Certifications:
The vendor shall supply the following reports and certifications as follows:
One set of reports shall be sent to SEMC QA prior to receipt of material at SEMC. The
components will be cross referenced to the received reports for acceptable vendor
traceability numbers.
Mill Test Reports