Chapter - 3
Revision 00
© Versum Materials, Inc. as of the revision and date shown. All rights reserved.
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Section 3: Tubing Connections
All tubing connections to the Gasguard
Distribution System should be designed
and installed in adherence to all local piping codes and should comply with the
intent of ASME B31.3 "Chemical Plant and Petroleum Refinery Piping." Tubing
must be sized to flow the maximum amount of gas required by the process system.
Tubing is normally constructed of 316L stainless steel. Hastelloy C22 is sometimes
specified by the customer for corrosive gases. Verify the tubing material type on
the Specification Sheet supplied with the order.
All tubing connections are made at the top rear of the distribution system.
Connections that terminate with a VCR fitting are either capped or plugged at the
factory and are ready for connection to the facility piping. Connections that
terminate with open tube ends are bagged for shipping purposes. Process and purge
lines are double bagged and taped for shipment. Vent and venturi supply lines are
single bagged and taped. All tube ends have been faced and are ready for welding
to facility piping. Welding should be performed using established high purity
welding techniques. Verify all tubing connections with the flow schematic, or
Installation drawing (INS drawing) prior to welding.
Note: When internal terminations are specified, specific
inlet/outlets end with VCRs inside of this enclosure. Field
installation is made at this point. Refer to Specification Sheet or
INS drawing to verify if the internal termination option applies.