Revision 00
© Versum Materials, Inc. as of the revision and date shown. All rights reserved.
Confidential and Proprietary Data
Details of the password security system and how to enter security codes are
provided in Section 8.2.
Menu Operation
All AP10 controller operations are initiated from menus that appear on the LCD
screen. The Main Menu appears on the screen after a password has been entered
and accepted by the controller. A specific Branch Action Menu can then be
selected from the Main Menu. Menu Time-Out Feature
Menu Time-Out Feature
causes the controller to drop out of the Main Menu
automatically if a menu option is not selected within the configured time period.
This safeguard prevents unauthorized operation if an operator leaves a cabinet
before selecting a menu option. User Entry Time-Out Feature
Operator Prompts
may appear on the LCD display during some operating
sequences. After completing the specified task, the operator must press
The controller will go to the next step. There is an
User Entry Time Out
on Operator Prompts. If the task is not completed within the time limit, the
controller initiates a shutdown alarm and drops out of the selected sequence. The
sequence must be repeated from the beginning.
7.5.3 Branch Menu Operations