DOC: 03-933001-0X
DESC: Assy, Basic, (Pneumatic)
6 of 8
PREPARED BY: Sax Makthepharack REVISED BY:
08 - 16 -00
Dave Maderos
1.1.16 Route one each 1/16" stainless steel tube 03-917145-01 from the power fail solenoid "OUT" port to the end nut of the septum purge valve,
57-000028-00, using two each washers, 03-917157-00 and 2 each viton ferrules, 03-917142-00 as shown. Discard excess ferrules.
1.1.17 Carefully uncoil the four stainless steel tubes from the (Type 21) 1177 injector. Route the single tube (split vent) on the right side of injector
down the chassis top and align with the brown (Natural) PEEK tubing on the pneumatics manifold. See Figure 10.
1.1.18 Place a green tube identifier, 03-918164-03 to the single SST tube on the 1177 injector, (the only tube that is not teed) route down chassis
top and align with the stainless steel tube labeled with the green sleeve on the pneumatics manifold. See Figure 11.
1.1.19 For type 21 unit only, place a yellow tube identifier, 03-918163-01 to the SST tube (pressure sense) coming from the middle of the tee on
the 1177 injector. Route the tube down chassis top and align with the yellow PEEK tube on the pneumatics manifold.
1.1.20 For type 25 only, cut the longer of the two tubes from the injector purge head, two to three inches from injector. Swage a 1/16” SST union,
28-693976-00 onto the remaing short tube. At the other end of union, swage on a 84” SST tube, 03-917145-13. Keep the tubing as coiled
as possible and route as desribed in step 1.1.18.
1.1.21 Slide a 1/16" X 3/4" pin, 03-917143-00 through the viton ferrule so that an equal amount of the pin sticks out each end of ferrule. For type
25 units, make two each pin assemblies and position pins into manifold per type 21/25 plumbing diagram below.