Getting to Know the Desktop
Lesson 4: Creating a New Folder
Part I: Getting To Know Your Computer
The Notepad window
Notice that as you open the document there’s a new button on
the taskbar that reads My New Document - Notepad (the name
may be too long to fit into the taskbar space, but if you point to
the name, the system displays all of it).
To learn more about Notepad, click the Help menu in Notepad.
Leave Notepad open for now and follow the steps in the next
lesson to create a new folder in which to store your document.
Lesson 4: Creating a New Folder
Windows 95 stores documents, tools, devices and programs in
folders. It even stores other folders in folders. In this lesson you
will learn how easy it is to create folders to store your documents.
To create a new folder, follow these steps.
1 With the secondary button, click an empty area of the
desktop outside of the Notepad window.
Windows 95 displays a menu.
2 Point to New and click Folder.
Windows 95 creates a new folder icon with the name