Getting to Know the Desktop
Lesson 2: Exploring the Desktop
Part I: Getting To Know Your Computer
Lesson 2: Exploring the Desktop
Windows 95 organizes the display on your computer screen as if it
were a desktop. Objects sit on the computer desktop like objects
that sit on top of your desk. It is easy to move objects around, open
them, close them and store them.
In this lesson you will learn the names and functions of the various
parts of the desktop, you will also learn some simple organizing
principles for your desktop.
Each icon on the desktop represents a single object, such as a pro-
gram, a folder or a device.
Programs are sets of instructions for the computer system.
Folders are containers to store documents, programs and
other folders.
Devices are disk drives, printers and other peripherals
connected to your computer.
This is what your computer screen looks like.
The Windows 95 desktop
Start button
My Computer
Recycle Bin
Status area
Toshiba Access