Connecting with the World
The Internet and Other Fascinating Places
Part I: Getting To Know Your Computer
The second type of address is the Universal Resource Locator
(URL), used to locate specific sites on the Internet. A sample
URL is:
Logging On to an Online Service or the Internet
This section gives some tips for logging on to an online service or
the Internet.
Choosing What Is Best for You
Deciding which option is best for you may not be easy. Fortu-
nately, you can always change your mind. In making a decision,
consider the following:
Online services combine an easy-to-use interface and a wide
range of useful services with full Internet access. Each online
service has a different flavor. Look at advertising material for
more than one service to see what each provides. Then decide
which service seems most suitable to you.
is the resource type, indicating that the site
is designed in hypertext markup language.
HTTP stands for Hypertext Transfer Proto-
col and indicates a site on the WWW. Other
resource types you might see in a URL
include Gopher, FTP and Telnet.
is the address of the actual computer where
the information is stored.
is the folder (directory on the host com-
puter) in which the information is located.