Using Windows for Workgroups
Getting Help
Part III: Appendixes
2 Select the name of the bookmark name you wish to delete.
3 Choose Delete then choose OK.
Using Cross-References
Cross-references, which display as underlined text, allow you to
move quickly to sections containing information related to the
material in the current section. For example, from the batteries
section you can go directly to the MaxTime discussion by clicking
the cross reference.
To view a cross-reference, follow these steps:
1 Position the pointer over the cross-reference.
The pointer changes to a pointing hand symbol.
2 Click the cross-reference.
The program displays the section containing the information
that relates to the cross-reference you selected.
When you have finished reading the cross-referenced material,
clicking Go Back returns you to the original topic.
Searching for a Topic
The QuickStart book has a full-text search feature, which can
locate every topic that contains a word or phrase you are looking
for. To use the full-text search feature, follow these steps:
1 Choose Search and type the word or phrase in the Search
Word field.
To find all the forms of a word, you can substitute an asterisk
(*) for the last characters in the word. For example, typing
bat*, would find “batch,” “battery,” “batteries,” “battery-pow-
ered” and “battery-save.”
2 Choose OK to start the search.
The program displays the list of topics that contain the text.