If Something Goes Wrong
Fixing Device Related Problems
Part I: Getting To Know Your Computer
Windows 95 displays a message that there is a problem with your
display settings and that the adapter type is incorrect or the cur-
rent settings don’t work with your hardware.
Reduce the size of the color palette to one that is supported by the
computer’s internal display. See “Changing the Display Mode” on
page 280 for instructions.
Nothing displays on the external monitor screen.
Make sure the monitor is capable of displaying at resolutions
higher than 640 x 480. Low-resolution monitors only work in
Internal/External mode.
The Disk Drives
Problems with the hard disk or with a disk drive usually show up
as an inability to access the disk or as sector errors. Sometimes a
disk problem may damage one or more files.
You are having trouble accessing a diskette, or one or more files
appear to be missing.
Make sure you're identifying the drive by its correct name
(A or C).
Run ScanDisk, which analyzes the directories, files and File Allo-
cation Table (FAT) on the disk and repairs any damage it finds. To
start ScanDisk, follow these steps:
1 Click Start, then point to Programs.
2 Point to Accessories, then point to System Tools.
3 Click ScanDisk.
Windows 95 opens the ScanDisk window.
4 Click the drive you want to test.