If Something Goes Wrong
Resolving a Hardware Conflict
Part I: Getting To Know Your Computer
Safe Mode Command Prompt Only
Selecting Safe Mode Command Prompt Only bypasses the system
startup files and displays the command prompt.
Use this option under the following conditions:
Windows 95 fails to start even in Safe Mode.
You want to run MS-DOS commands such as edit to make
changes to your startup files.
You want to avoid loading HIMEM.SYS (extended memory
manager), or IFSHLP.SYS (file system manager).
Windows 95 Can Help You
If Windows 95 has started properly, but you still have a problem
using your computer, Windows 95 Help can assist you in solving
the problem.
To open the Windows 95 troubleshooting aid, follow these steps:
1 Click the Start button and click Help.
2 Click the Contents tab and double-click Troubleshooting.
3 Double-click a problem you would like help with, and
follow the steps.
Resolving a Hardware Conflict
If you receive an error message telling you there is a device driver
conflict or a general hardware problem, try using Windows Help
to solve the problem first.
1 From the Windows Help menu, click the Contents tab and
select Troubleshooting.
2 Click “If you have a hardware conflict” and follow the
If there is still a problem, for example, if one of your devices isn’t
Plug-and-Play, Windows 95 may display a message that explains
where the conflict is. Use Device Manager, following the steps in