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DATA CLONING with USB STORAGE DEVICE (e-STUDIO202L/203L/232/233/282/283)
9 - 8
(15) Select the items to be backed up with the digital keys.
The mark "*" is shown on the selected item. The mark "*" can be deleted or added each time the
corresponding digital key is pressed.
• To back up the data individually, select the following items.
<Backing up TopAccess: Network/Print Service>
Select "1: Network/Print Service" only.
<Backing up TopAccess: SaveAsFile/Email/InternetFAX>
Select "2: SaveAsFile/Email/InternetFAX" only.
<Backing up TopAccess: Notification >
Select "3: Notification" only.
<Backing up TopAccess: Directory Service>
Select "4: Directory Service" only.
<Backing up Option: Fax setting>
Select "5: FAX Kit" only.
<Backing up Option: WirelessLAN/Bluetooth setting>
Select "6: WirelessLAN/Bluetooth Kit" only.
(The following screens are given as an example of when all TopAccess items are backed up.)
(16) Press the [Start] button.
The backup starts and the backing up status is displayed on the LCD screen.
Fig. 9-11