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Selection Item and Contents
Selection Item
Equipment that do not require control.
Binary (pulse)
Controls the playing equipment that plays back the sound source designated to
be played back when its corresponding contact activation input receives a pulse
make signal for playback..
Binary (level)
Controls the playing equipment that plays back the sound source designated to be
played back while its corresponding contact activation input is receiving a make
signal for playback.
Direct (pulse)
Controls the playing equipment that plays back the sound source
assigned to any contact activation input when it receives a make pulse signal.
Direct (level)
Controls the playing equipment that plays back the sound source assigned to
any contact activation input while it is receiving a make signal.
6. Set the musical tracks to use.
When the control method is (select), enter ‘1.’
7. Set the playback contact, stop contact, activation contact and busy contact.
If each input field is clicked, the contact auxiliary dialog is opened (see the next
The contact items (
: Required),
: not required) that require the setting
method and setting are as follows:
Control Method
Playback Contact Stop Contact Activation Contact Busy Contact
Binary (pulse)
Binary (Level)
Direct (pulse)
Direct (level)
8. Click the ‘Delete’ button at the upper part of the Setting List screen to delete the
contents of playing equipment settings.
Operation Buttons
Reverts to the Home screen without saving any setting.
Advances to the ‘Contact Activation Equipment Settings’ screen.
Reverts to the ‘Streaming Settings’ screen.