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Streaming Settings
Set an equipment group and multicast address when performing multicast audio
The maximum number of audio streaming channels that a single component
can handle is 4. When the number of streaming channels exceeds this limit,
streaming settings are required.
Item Description
Group Name
Enter an arbitrary name.
Registered Equipment Setting
Set equipment to be registered to a group
Multicast Starting Address
Set the multicast address range used by the group.
Multicast Ending Address
Port Number
Set the multicast address port numbers used by the group.
Setting Method
1. Select the group from the Setting List box.
A new group is added to the list if the ‘Add’ button is clicked.
Click the ‘Delete’ button to delete a selected group from the list.
2. Set the equipment to be registered to the group in the Multicast Group Setting
The number of equipment can be increased or decreased with the ‘Add’ or
‘Delete’ buttons located to the right of the equipment name.
Select equipment from among those registered to the system.
3. Enter details in each streaming setting input field on the right of the screen.
Operation Buttons
Reverts to the Home screen without saving any setting.
Advances to the ‘Playing Equipment Settings’ screen.
Reverts to the ‘Equipment Settings’ screen.