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The sound volume and sound quality of the IP-3010AF’s audio I/O channels can be
adjusted on the Audio screen. The sound volume and sound quality of the IP-
300RM’s microphone input, external input and monitor speaker external output can
also all be adjusted. The adjusted volume and sound quality can be saved to up to 8
Audio scenes*. Further, the I/O levels of each channel can be checked.
* A unit in which the volume and sound quality parameters of all audio I/O channels
are combined.
Audio Screen Display
Audio I/O Display
Click ‘Audio’ → ‘Audio I/O’ on the home screen or click ‘Audio’ → ‘Audio I/O’ from
the header menu.
The Audio I/O display appears on the Audio screen.
The above figure shows IP-3010AF.
IP-3001AF and IP-300XI are only one channel for audio input and output respectively.
Also, TRIM/EQ/COMP (Input side) and EQ/COMP/DELAY (Output side) can not be