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To output signals not listed in the table above, select 0 as code number and set data name, D/A gain and offset
in accordance with the channel.
Data name
D/A conversion gain
Offset n: 1 to 3
Gain setting is the count for 10 V output.
<Example 2> SP_F (speed feedback) is output as 10 V signal at 100%-speed.
SP_F (speed feedback) is internally weighted 100% with 25000 count. To output 25000 count as 10V, set the
gain to 25000.
Analog output data names are normally protected. When they are protected, data names cannot be changed. To
release the protection, set bits 5 to 7 (corresponds to AOUT1 to 3) of $DA_AS_PRTOFF to 1. Analog output
settings can be changed anytime but be careful when you change the setting because if the output is used
outside when it is changed, it may cause disturbances.