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(3) Drooping (option)
This optional function is used when transferring or machining one material by multiple drive units. In such
applications, when the speed of one motor is increased, a large load is applied to this motor and the load
applied to other motors is decreased. On the contrary, if the speed of one motor is decreased, the load
applied to other motors is increased.
This drooping function decreases the speed reference in proportion to the load if the torque reference (load)
increases. If the drooping function is installed in the system consisting of multiple drive units, the speed of
the motor, to which a large load is applied, is decreased to make the load applied to each motor balanced.
This drooping function is useful to make the load balanced, but may cause the speed control accuracy to
lower. Therefore, always pay special attention to the gain when using this function. To improve the speed
control accuracy, the drooping gain is changed from the PLC. At this time, the gain is input to