Multichannel Selection Operation
Multichannel Buffered Serial Ports
Table 11–19. Multichannel Control Register Field Descriptions (Continued)
Receive partition A subframe
RPABLK = 00b: Subframe 0. Element 0 to element 15
RPABLK = 01b: Subframe 2. Element 32 to element 47
RPABLK = 10b: Subframe 4. Element 64 to element 79
RPABLK = 11b: Subframe 6. Element 96 to element 111
Transmit partition A subframe
XPABLK = 00b: Subframe 0. Element 0 to element 15
XPABLK = 01b: Subframe 2. Element 32 to element 47
XPABLK = 10b: Subframe 4. Element 64 to element 79
XPABLK = 11b: Subframe 6. Element 96 to element 111
11.6.2 Enabling Multichannel Selection
Multichannel mode can be enabled independently for reception and transmis-
sion by setting RMCM to 1 and XMCM to a nonzero value in the MCR, respec-
11.6.3 Enabling and Masking of Channels
A total of 32 of the available 128 elements can be enabled at any given time.
The 128 elements comprise eight subframes (0 through 7), and each sub-
frame has 16 contiguous elements. Further, even-numbered subframes 0, 2,
4, and 6 belong to partition A, and odd-numbered subframes 1, 3, 5, and 7 be-
long to partition B.
The number of elements enabled can be updated during the course of a frame
to allow any arbitrary group of elements to be enabled. This update is accom-
plished using an alternating ping-pong scheme for controlling two subframes
(one odd-numbered and the other even-numbered) of 16 contiguous elements
within a frame at any time. One subframe belongs to partition A and the other
to partition B.
Any one 16-element block from partition A and partition B can be selected, yield-
ing a total of 32 elements that can be enabled at one time. The subframes are
allocated on 16-element boundaries within the frame, as shown in
Figure 11–47. The (R/X)PABLK and (R/X)PBBLK fields in the MCR select the
subframes in partition A and B respectively. This enabling is performed indepen-
dently for transmit and receive.