Programmable Clock and Framing
Multichannel Buffered Serial Ports Transmit Clock Selection: CLKXM
Table 11–16 shows how the CLKXM bit in the PCR selects the transmit clock
and whether the CLKX pin is an input or output.
Table 11–16. Transmit Clock Selection
in PCR
Source of Transmit Clock
CLKX Function
The external clock drives the CLKX input pin.
CLKX is inverted as determined by CLKXP
before being used.
The sample rate generator clock, CLKG,
drives the transmit clock
Output. CLKG is inverted as determined by
CLKXP before being driven out on CLKX.
11.5.3 Frame Sync Signal Generation
Data frame synchronization is independently programmable for the receiver and
the transmitter for all data delay values. When set to 1 the FRST bit in the SPCR
activates the frame generation logic to generate frame sync signals, provided that
FSGM = 1 in SRGR. The frame sync programming options are:
A frame pulse with a programmable period between sync pulses and a pro-
grammable active width specified in the sample rate generator register
The transmitter can trigger its own frame sync signal that is generated by
a DXR-to-XSR copy. This causes a frame sync to occur on every DXR-to-
XSR copy. The data delays can be programmed as required. However,
maximum packet frequency cannot be achieved in this method for data
delays of 1 and 2.
Both the receiver and transmitter can independently select an external frame
synchronization on the FSR and FSX pins, respectively.