low = 20
This is the maximum number of times cash can be used with out a credit card being used. This will
create a warning for the owner. This may indicate a card reader problem. Choose a number that fits
your cash and credit card usage.
Operating Hints
Under “CONFIGURATION REPORT” you will see “WashCard is CONNECTED” if
communication has been established. If communication to the WashCard system is lost for more
than 3 minutes, you will see “WashCard is NOT CONNECTED”. You can also see the local IP
address and subnet mask assigned by the server in “CONFIGURATION REPORT”.
For information related to setting up and connecting to a WashCard card system, consult the
"Installation Quick Guide".
It may require several minutes to connect to the WashCard system. This only occurs if you cycle
power or reset the GXP.
If not connected or while connecting to the WashCard card system cash can still be accepted for a
The controller in the GXP should be an EFIII board equipped with an Xport ethernet device and
program version 3.033 or higher.
When connected to the WashCard card system you will see “WashCard is CONNECTED” in the
“CONFIGURATION REPORT”. If communication is lost for more than 3 minutes, you will see
“WashCard is NOT CONNECTED”.
After initializing, the GXP will beep twice indicating that auto addressing is done. A single beep will
occur when a connection has been made to the WashCard card system.
Make sure that WashCard is selected for the “card system” under “CREDIT SETTINGS”.
On advance replacements for the EFIII board, make sure the proper software version and board
revision is used.
What do the lights on the ethernet connector mean?
The left LED indicates a connection. It requires a loop back from the other device. In other words for
the light to be on it has to be connected at both ends.
The right LED indicates data flow. This can be just data out with no response.
1. WashCard is not selected and the cable is not connected.
No LEDs on
2. WashCard is not selected but the cable connected.